Current Results for Election 55727e25742

Election ID: 55727e25742
Title: ALAC Vote on ICANN80 Travel Roster
Start: 2024-04-04
End: 2024-04-07
Status: closed

Total Ballots Cast (including duplicates): 19
Ballots Counted (excluding duplicates): 15
Voters Who Haven't Voted: 0

Ballot with added tally (using weights, if any):

                The ALAC has been asked to vote on the ICANN80 Travel Roster as proposed by the Travel Policy Small Team.
                Do you approve the ICANN80 Travel Roster?
 1:  9 votes    [] Yes
 2:  5 votes    [] No
 3:  1 vote     [] Abstain

Ballots Received:

Ballot ID 30ee8555e292025  Received at 2024-04-05 16:01:39 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 30ee8555e292025  Received at 2024-04-05 13:43:52 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 30ee8555e292025  Received at 2024-04-05 12:28:30 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 30ee8555e292025  Received at 2024-04-05 09:09:26 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 438a552f4678c5b  Received at 2024-04-05 04:12:25 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4b6ad9925dd4cd7  Received at 2024-04-05 00:45:57 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID d9040bd999ad87a  Received at 2024-04-05 00:14:30 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID f5190e2de71f941  Received at 2024-04-05 00:00:02 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID d9040bd999ad87a  Received at 2024-04-04 21:43:58 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 612cd2547635bf0  Received at 2024-04-04 21:07:57 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [X]

Ballot ID 3442e061158cc33  Received at 2024-04-04 20:39:28 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 8484f67e910b161  Received at 2024-04-04 19:50:11 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 344e883ce8be6c9  Received at 2024-04-04 19:42:30 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID f06f57b556a4075  Received at 2024-04-04 19:39:55 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID fad74c932cb5aac  Received at 2024-04-04 19:28:09 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 65d80114dd59a0c  Received at 2024-04-04 19:03:34 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 6bf0b8c4fa8b5f3  Received at 2024-04-04 19:02:50 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 1aaa409d9f37b6f  Received at 2024-04-04 18:26:17 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID cd5a17fd36f8068  Received at 2024-04-04 17:34:29 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]