Current Results for Election 743d6ac7993

Election ID: 743d6ac7993
Title: AFRALO Resolution on AFRINIC ALSes
Start: 2023-08-17
End: 2023-08-23
Status: closed

Total Ballots Cast (including duplicates): 58
Ballots Counted (excluding duplicates): 45
Voters Who Haven't Voted: 28

Ballot with added tally (using weights, if any):

                Question: Do you support the AFRALO Resolution on AFRINIC?
                Soutenez-vous la Résolution  AFRALO sur AFRINIC?
 1: 35 votes    [] Yes
 2:  1 vote     [] No
 3:  4 votes    [] Abstain

Ballots Received:

Ballot ID 49edba794ee1ec6  Received at 2023-08-23 15:43:34 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 279de82f8c89292  Received at 2023-08-23 04:18:51 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID ee7164334babe01  Received at 2023-08-22 22:45:18 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 0222062005fb173  Received at 2023-08-22 19:39:57 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [X]

Ballot ID 50853eea1c4dbb7  Received at 2023-08-22 08:42:02 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 9c35cc13331d336  Received at 2023-08-21 23:38:13 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [X]

Ballot ID 8e99b61d850b466  Received at 2023-08-21 21:06:24 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 362d7da5e4b3090  Received at 2023-08-21 19:47:12 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [X]

Ballot ID 4d2d2a00bcd6d16  Received at 2023-08-21 17:40:09 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [X]

Ballot ID 918e4c2c7adb8e2  Received at 2023-08-21 10:04:15 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 918e4c2c7adb8e2  Received at 2023-08-21 10:00:06 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
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  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 426810bf648cd68  Received at 2023-08-21 06:42:42 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 426810bf648cd68  Received at 2023-08-21 06:42:29 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID e08ddc4bb3c56b8  Received at 2023-08-20 08:51:30 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID e08ddc4bb3c56b8  Received at 2023-08-20 08:48:10 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 9bada9424300b4e  Received at 2023-08-19 18:23:27 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [X]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID c3876ffbee261a3  Received at 2023-08-19 13:09:23 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 591add186ecf86a  Received at 2023-08-19 10:38:46 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID d7cb8d7359689a9  Received at 2023-08-19 09:34:18 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID c3876ffbee261a3  Received at 2023-08-19 04:10:33 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [ ]
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  3: [ ]

Ballot ID c3876ffbee261a3  Received at 2023-08-18 23:46:29 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 610139dcc4030a4  Received at 2023-08-18 22:22:13 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID adee114af5a0e86  Received at 2023-08-18 16:17:43 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 6834808692f76da  Received at 2023-08-18 12:51:23 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 702ad8a9dafcd91  Received at 2023-08-18 12:32:20 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID c42e793aefe0277  Received at 2023-08-18 12:29:10 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 27497113dd26237  Received at 2023-08-18 10:19:44 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID d484c2723732e1e  Received at 2023-08-18 09:46:07 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4e0117967b8ecbf  Received at 2023-08-18 09:37:43 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4e0117967b8ecbf  Received at 2023-08-18 09:37:23 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID ce8bb09f2d56283  Received at 2023-08-18 08:56:42 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID fbcd0b33bff362b  Received at 2023-08-18 06:44:28 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4dc575a2ee1d436  Received at 2023-08-18 06:41:02 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 6a0feadcc0e9794  Received at 2023-08-18 05:58:00 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID d19f6f6ef2b34c4  Received at 2023-08-18 04:50:27 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 8236953d257d977  Received at 2023-08-18 03:51:06 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 9bd3c826e4c3de4  Received at 2023-08-18 03:34:51 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID a843ca622bda66c  Received at 2023-08-18 03:32:23 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID cd3ebfc20a3df36  Received at 2023-08-18 00:49:45 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID b4f057825b6880f  Received at 2023-08-18 00:26:53 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 7edaf5fcde1cb94  Received at 2023-08-17 23:56:14 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID bcb2382cb7b3582  Received at 2023-08-17 23:30:58 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID b2d01cf6a0666f5  Received at 2023-08-17 23:28:07 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4aa9e0e64aa9727  Received at 2023-08-17 23:16:08 UTC (counted)
  1: [ ]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 4aa9e0e64aa9727  Received at 2023-08-17 23:16:07 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 791be38ed37f685  Received at 2023-08-17 22:13:20 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 309fa7d06722a6c  Received at 2023-08-17 21:59:28 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 61288d023359b01  Received at 2023-08-17 21:59:08 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 309fa7d06722a6c  Received at 2023-08-17 21:58:26 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 61288d023359b01  Received at 2023-08-17 21:57:51 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 0cf2346566c53d3  Received at 2023-08-17 21:27:33 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID a0e8ffc70df03af  Received at 2023-08-17 21:25:24 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID cd3ebfc20a3df36  Received at 2023-08-17 21:22:37 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID cd3ebfc20a3df36  Received at 2023-08-17 21:22:24 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID ce8bb09f2d56283  Received at 2023-08-17 21:21:23 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID cf55eed6867c8ef  Received at 2023-08-17 21:14:39 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID 74c2103b5ac34c1  Received at 2023-08-17 21:01:28 UTC (counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]

Ballot ID b4f057825b6880f  Received at 2023-08-17 21:00:48 UTC (duplicate; not counted)
  1: [X]
  2: [ ]
  3: [ ]